Upcoming books
Railway Electrification
(Planning, Design, Equipment selection, Installation, Operation and Maintenance)
The book provides a 360 degree coverage of all aspects relating to Railway Electrification. While it describes various electrification systems including ground based third rail current collection system as well as Rigid Overhead Contact System (ROCS), the book is particularly useful for Railway Electrification Systems employing Flexible Overhead Contact System (FOCS) and 25 kV AC traction. The book provides complete details of System design like system and component sizing and Static and dynamic behaviour of FOCS, Electrical clearances and electrical safety, Generic designs (Styles) and layouts and Construction or Allocation designs for FOCS. The book is in two parts. Part-I deals with FOCS and Part-II deals with the traction Power supply system. The Part II covers Traction Power Simulation to determine the voltage drop, current distribution, and thermal rating; various Power supply configurations and their merits and demerits, rail potential and design of Earthing mat. The book is meant to be a reference book on Railway Electrification and would prove immensely useful to the planners, consultants, designers, contractors and operators of electric trains.
Metro Rail
(Planning, Design, Equipment selection, Installation, Operation and Maintenance)
The book provides a comprehensive coverage of all aspects of AC and DC Metro Rail including the initial planning, route alignment, station locations, choice of elevated and underground construction, Sizing of tunnels and stations, station design concepts, aspects concerning location of Operation Control Centre (OCC), Back up Control Centre (BCC) and Depot Control Centre (DCC), aspects concerning location of Maintenance depot and its layout. It gives insight into fundamental concepts governing the various system design including Tunnel Ventilation System, Current Collection System, Signaling System, Platform Screen Door System, Station E&M system and services routing, Fire detection and extinguishing systems, Communication and Passenger information System, Metro train and its subsystems, and Various Control levels. The book covers train operation under ATP, ATO, DTO and UTO modes.
The book is meant for designers, equipment suppliers, consultants, contractors and those who want to pursue their career in Metro Rail.
Railway Vehicle Gauging
(Vehicle and Pantograph displacements & its applications)
Railway vehicle gauging is an important consideration in Rail transport as it drives the key dimensions of Railway System. As the Railway vehicle moves over the tracks, its bogie, body and Pantograph displaces from the track center. The displacement is mainly a function of track and vehicle characteristics and operating speed. The displacement on elevated sections is also influenced by wind speed. This displacement of vehicle influences the platform edge positioning, positioning of overhead traction equipment, positioning of track side infrastructure elements and track separation. The book provides complete details of how these static, quasi static and dynamic displacements are calculated and accounted for in determination of vehicle swept profile and infrastructure gauge.
Metro Rail Safety
(Engineering & Operational Safety)
Metro train carried very large number of passengers. Any major accidents involving metro trains like fire, collision or derailment can be catastrophic. While many safety systems are employed to mitigate the operational hazards, these also introduce additional hazards in case of their mal operation and under isolation. It is therefore necessary to have a clear understanding of various possible hazards and risks associated with them as each project has its own special characteristic which may introduce new type of hazards. The book deals with all such hazards and the mitigating measures employed to address them including various Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) which need to be in place. It is hoped that the book shall be useful to designers, consultants and Auditors dealing with safety of Metro Rail.
Rigid Overhead Contact System (ROCS)
The book is devoted specifically to the special type of Rigid Overhead Contact System (ROCS) generally employed in Metro tunnels. It deals with the choice of ROCS Vs FOCS, Layout principles and Design principles of ROCS, Equipment and fittings associated with ROCS, Determination of Maximum tension length and maximum span; Challenges in equipping small circular tunnel with ROCS; different type of ROCS arrangements for overlaps, scissors, turnouts, Mid Point Anchors and transition to FOCS and, mechanical and electrical considerations in designing the ROCS for various speed. The book also provides details of various applications for ROCS in certain special locations like Depot inspection tracks, low bridges and openable bridges.